What is Freelancing?

Are you currently working a 9-5 job and interested in transitioning into a career that provides more flexibility, creativity, and freedom? Freelancing may be the answer you are looking for! Now if you’re like me you likely raised your eyebrow because this is your first time hearing about this career path.

Let’s talk about some of the pain points that come with working a traditional 9-5 job. For me, the idea of having to ask for permission to use the restroom, eat, go home for the day, and being told how much my time and expertise is worth was a complete turn off. Having to spend my time building up someone else’s dream was draining and degrading for a natural visionary and leader like myself. However the major comfort that it provided was a set income, and benefits. Let’s be honest, we no longer live in a world where going to college and getting a career in your field is the only way to be successful in life. We now live in a world where your life is what you make it and your version of success is obtainable in many different ways. 

As a former Teacher, I knew that I was great with organization, multi-tasking, communication, attention to detail, data entry, creativity, critical thinking, customer service, adaptability, research, file management, professionalism, and so much more. The only problem was that I was using these skills in the wrong setting because my expertise, freedom, and flexibility had a cap on its value. When you decide to dedicate your time and energy into a career it should be rewarding and fulfilling. Freelancing is a career that will adapt to you as opposed to you having to fit into this one size fits all model. 

Freelancing is a type of self-employment where individuals offer their services to clients on a project or contract basis, rather than working as an employee for a single employer. Freelancers, often referred to as independent contractors, have the flexibility to choose their clients and projects, set their own schedules, and often work from various locations, including their homes. The key characteristics of freelancing include you having control over your workload, clients, and working hours. You can work with multiple clients simultaneously or sequentially across various industries. Your work is typically done on a per-project basis, with clear deliverables and deadlines. You are responsible for managing your own business operations. Your earnings can fluctuate based on the number of projects and their rates. Common fields of freelancing can include copywriting, virtual assistant, bookkeeping, graphic design, photography, consulting, marketing, social media, project management, and so much more! 

My community, Her Nation, can benefit from Freelancing because this is the answer we’ve been looking for all of our lives as mothers, wives, bosses, and women who are seeking the freedom life of our dreams. If you desire to live a life full of slow mornings, working from the comfort of your own home, making more money while working less hours, then this is the path for you. On this blog I will teach you how to monetize your skillset, live your dream life, and reach your version of success based on the actually steps that I took to get to where I am today. So here’s a cheers to the good life!

Kyndra LinaComment