Research shows that couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they get some sort of pre-marriage training before they marry. Her Life Her Way offers pre-marriage coaching and uses the SYMBIS Assessment to guide the pre-marriage sessions to discuss topics such as your personalities, communication styles, expectations, love life, finances, conflict, spirituality, and personal history that may influence the marriage. The SYMBIS Assessment is a pre-marital assessment tool created by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrot that accompanies pre-marital coaching/counseling and their book “Save Your Marriage Before It Starts” which is not a requirement, but highly recommended. You can learn more about the SYMBIS Assessment at the following link:

  • ➝ The SYMBIS Assessment for the couple ($35 value).

    ➝ The personalized 14-18 page SYMBIS Assessment results.

    ➝ Eight 55 minute sessions ($1,440 value) with your certified Life Coach, Kyndra Lina - to hear your unique love story, review and unpack your SYMBIS Assessment results, discuss hot topics and potential areas of conflict in your relationship, and develop applicable strategies.

    ➝ Weekly personalized homework to increase connection

    ➝ This package is valued at $1,200.00 with $275 of savings and a $150 per week payment plan.



Congrats on your engagement! Virtual weddings are a lot more reasonable than traditional weddings for many reasons. This option gives family from both near and far the opportunity to attend without committing to travel. It allows the couple to add a touch or creativity and personalization in a digital realm. It gives more freedom and flexibility to both the couple, and the guests. It also saves the couples hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars because of the simple structure of cutting out the middle men. Last but not least it allows the couple to create a special moment as opposed to a special day and encourages to couple to spend their hard earned money on creating a life together instead of blowing it all on one event.

  • ➝ This package is perfect for couple looking to marry without a ceremony.

    ➝ Mail your marriage license prior to your virtual signing.

    ➝ The date of your booking will officially mark your wedding date.

    ➝ The signing will take place over a quick 5 minute zoom session.

    ➝ Only the couple is allowed to attend.

    ➝ A toast will be given after the signing.

    ➝ Your Marriage Officiant, Kyndra Lina will sign your Marriage License and promptly mail it back to the appropriate probate court via standard USPS postage.

    ➝ A recording of your signing will be emailed for keepsake!

    This package is valued at $115 and must be paid in full.

  • ➝ This package is perfect for couples seeking a simple, intimate, and unique wedding ceremony experience in a digital space.

    ➝ You must have obtained your marriage license before booking a date, the date you book will officially mark your wedding date.

    ➝ Mail your marriage license prior to your virtual ceremony.

    ➝ After booking, we will have a virtual consultation to discuss visions, expectations, and requirements after you book your date.

    ➝ A zoom link will be provided to share with guests, there is no limit on how many guests and loved ones can join you for this momentous occasion.

    ➝ Both partners are required to be present with their government issued ID’s before the virtual ceremony for verification purposes.

    ➝ 15 minutes is allowed for a concise virtual ceremony.

    ➝ Personalized vows are encouraged to exchange during the virtual ceremony.

    ➝ The Declaration of Intent will be facilitated during the virtual ceremony.

    ➝ Your Marriage Officiant, Kyndra Lina will sign your marriage license and promptly mail it back to the appropriate probate court via standard USPS postage.

    ➝ A recording of your ceremony will be emailed for keepsake!

    This package is valued at $222.22 and must be paid in full.



Ever wish you just had somebody to talk to? Well look no further, I’m here to support you every step of the way. No matter what you’re going through, I’m here to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Thank you for taking time to explore my website. Whatever led you this far, I hope you’ll maintain a sense of curiosity and consider if I can be of any support to you or your loved ones. Whether you’re familiar with the therapy process or still deciding how and if it could help, I encourage you to consider for a moment, what in your life could be attended to right now? Is there something that weighs on your mind daily? Is there a heavy burden you’ve been carrying? Is there a relationship in your life that could use some strengthening? As a supervised Therapist it is my pledge to help you every step along the way!

  • Every therapist should have a therapist! We accept the responsibility of opening our hearts and minds to help our clients through their problems in life. Sometimes situations that our clients are experiencing can trigger us and build up when we do not find an outlet of our own and establish a healthy way to cope.

  • Developing ones self is one of the single most important journeys of life. We all change consistently and need help adjusting to the ebbs and flows of life. Asking for and receiving help is essential for our survival.Individual therapy is one type of psychotherapy in which a trained professional helps a single person work through personal issues they have been facing. It is an effective treatment for a variety of emotional difficulties and mental illnesses. Also known as talk therapy, it can help improve or control symptoms that influence an individual’s well-being.

  • While the stereotype persists that couples counseling is only for partners whose relationship is struggling to survive, the truth is that all types of couples can enjoy the advantages of couples therapy. If you and your partner are madly in love or get along without issue, working with a counselor can deepen your connection. A therapist can also help people in distressed relationships.

  • Family therapy is a specific modality of counseling that focuses on helping families work through their conflicts and improve their overall relationships. It helps individuals to address a variety of issues that may arise, analyze and advance family dynamics, and ultimately benefit the wellbeing of every family member involved. Some common issues that are discussed in family therapy include divorce, addiction, career changes, parenting disagreements, and more!