Her Life Her Way

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Episode 2


This podcast episode features a conversation between the host and various listeners who share their reasons for loving themselves. The listeners discuss their personal journeys of self-discovery and self-love, highlighting the importance of being one's own cheerleader and support system. They also touch on the significance of forgiveness, self-reflection, and investing in personal growth. The conversation emphasizes the idea that self-love is a journey and that it looks different for everyone. The episode aims to inspire and encourage listeners to reflect on their own reasons for loving themselves and to embrace their unique qualities and strengths. The episode does not contain any promotional content and was not dated in the transcript. The importance of this episode lies in its message of self-love and the positive impact it can have on individuals who struggle with self-acceptance and self-esteem.


00:00 - Self Discovery Journey

7:19 - Embracing g=Growth and Forgiveness

14:10 - Being the Light, Finding Confidence

Key Learnings

  • What is the podcast about?

- The podcast is about self-love and why the host and listeners love themselves.

  • Why does the host love herself?

- The host loves herself because she continues to prove how powerful her self-determination is and she is on a journey of self-discovery.

  • What are some reasons why the listeners love themselves?

- The listeners love themselves for various reasons such as being invested in their own growth, being forgiving, and being the light for themselves and others.

  • What does it mean to be invested in your own growth?

- Being invested in your own growth means different things for everyone, but it involves actively working on improving oneself.

  • What is the purpose of the listener episode?

- The purpose of the listener episode is to help other women who may not be able to put into words why they love themselves.


Kyndra Lina: What's up her nation? I'm your host, Kyndra Lina, and you are now tuned in to Her Life Her Way podcast where we dive deep into relatable topics that everyday women like you and I face as we continue on our journey of personal growth and development to ultimately improve self. So grab your favorite drink in a comfy blanket so you can enjoy this motivational content created with you in mind. Sometimes we as women go way too long without paying attention to ourselves, our qualities, and our personal needs. And I really commend these ladies for stepping up to the plate and not only looking deep within, to answer this important question, but for also being willing to share their responses with you. Now, before I ask my listeners to do something, I always have to do it myself first. And while asking myself the question, you know, why do I love me? I came to the conclusion that I love myself because I continue to prove how powerful my self determination is. And when I make my mind up about something I literally do whatever it takes to get it done. I am currently on a journey of self discovery where I am peeling back layers upon layers upon layers of multiple areas in my life. And it hasn't been easy. I am taking the time to get to know myself on a whole another level. I love myself because I am digging back as far as my childhood to try and answer all those questions that were left unanswered and I care enough to repair broken relationships with the people who hold value in my life. I love myself because I have grown into my womanhood with such elegance in class and I truly am proud of myself. I love myself because I have given myself permission to genuinely be me and I don't seek the affirmation of others to proceed. I am unapologetically me and it has taken a while to get to this point, but I must say it sure does feel good. I love myself because I am dependable. I love with all my heart. And I would say I'm a pretty good friend, sister, cousin, daughter, niece and granddaughter. And I love myself because I am tapping into my creativity my talents and ultimately the things that make me me, I could so on and on. But this episode is not about me. It is about you. So today, my co-host are my listeners and here are some of the reasons why they love themselves. So let's go ahead and check in with our first listener today. Nia, why do you love yourself?

Listener 1: My name is Nia Scott and I'm from Georgia. I don't know how to answer that question because I don't normally think about that. Like, that type of emotional interest is not something that I do daily. It's just not the type of thought that often goes through my head. There are things that I find interesting about myself or that I love about myself, but it's just not something normal for me to think about often.

Kyndra Lina: You know what Nia, I really, really respect your honesty in answering this question because you along with many other women out there are in a place where they know that there are things that they love about themselves, but haven't necessarily taken the time to really dig deep about what those characteristics and qualities are that they do love about themselves. And so I think this would be a great time for you to really take that opportunity and to find and discover those different things about yourselves. And I really think that you'll find some really neat things. Let's go on and click over to Angelica. What Do you love about yourself?

Listener 2: My name is Angelica and I am from Atlanta, Georgia and I love myself because I'm a phenomenal woman. I work hard. I'm very level headed. I'm humble and I strive to do my best despite any odds against Angelica.

Kyndra Lina: One thing that I really love about what you said is that you strive to do your best no matter what odds are stacked against you. And I think that is an important mindset for many women to have because there are going to be obstacles and boundaries and, and things that, that are far beyond our control that will get in our way of not achieving those goals and those dreams and that lifestyle that we've always wanted to have. And I just, I think it's very important to be able to have that mindset that you can be and you can do and to switch that negative into a positive. And so that is an awesome point that you brought up. Thank you for that. Let's go on and switch over to jewel. What do you love about yourself?

Listener 3: My name is Jewel and I am Memphis Tennessee. I love myself because whatever I put my mind to I can accomplish it.

Kyndra Lina: You are absolutely correct that whatever you put your mind to you absolutely can accomplish it. And I mean, that is something to be happy and excited about because you are experiencing a level of freedom that a lot of women have not reached yet. There are wishful thinkers out there who only wish that they could do certain things, but don't necessarily make it to that point where they put their mind to it and they actually achieve it. And I just think that too many women often forget how much power and control we actually do have over the many areas in our life. Thank you so much for that. Let's switch over to Brianna. Why do you love yourself?

Listener 4: Hello. My name is Brianna DeSh. I am originally from Louisville, Kentucky, but I currently live in New Jersey. I love myself because I am all I have. And if I want my life to be successful, if I want to have peace, if I wanna have joy, If I wanna have happiness, then I first have to look inside myself and love on myself so that I can see others through that love that I have. It took a while for me to discover that like my mind and my body is my friend and just like, you know, I love my friends and I support them through their good time through their bad times. I have to do that with myself as well. And so like, literally, I'll look in the mirror sometimes and just talk to myself. And if I feel myself thinking like, oh my gosh, I look so sad or I'm so bloated or I'm so this or so that, you know, I immediately stop myself and I'll say, you know, hey girl, hey, friends, how are you doing? Girl? You know what I'm gonna treat you right today. We gonna, we gonna eat healthy, we gonna eat it. We gonna drink a smoothie for breakfast. You know, I'm, I'm gonna move you around today because the thing is, you know, it sounds crazy, but literally, these are the things that it takes at times to, to build a relationship with yourself and it sounds crazy. But, and you know, it's what I do to, to, to get where I wanna go. And so, you know, that's why I love myself. If I wanna love those around me better than it starts with Brianna.

Kyndra Lina: You want to know what's so awesome about your response. The thing that stood out to me the most was the fact that you view yourself as your friend and to some people that may sound a little crazy. It may sound a little weird. But if you look at it from the bigger picture, how much do we do for those close friends who we love? How many times have we shown up for our friends? How many times have we told our friends that we love them? How many times have we provided a shoulder to cry on or you know, an ear, just a listening ear to those who needed us. Let's turn that around and now place yourself in that position. How many times have you shown up for yourself. How many times have you told yourself that you love you? How many times have you been there for yourself? And instead of beating yourself down, you're lifting yourself up. One thing that Brianna said was that she is all she has and stands very true for a lot of women out there and you have to be your biggest cheerleader and support system. So I really appreciate that response. Let's go ahead and chime into what Glinda has to say. What do you love about yourself?

Listener 5: Hi, my name is Glenda. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. I love myself because I learned to forgive myself. Let go and stop worrying.

Kyndra Lina: Glenda. I love how short and sweet and simple and too point your response was and it was also very powerful. You said that you have learned how to forgive yourself, how to let go and how to stop worrying. I mean, that response just literally speaks for itself. And I think that that's something that we all need to really think about and apply to ourselves. Have we forgiven ourselves? Are we able, are we capable of doing that? Are we able to let go of certain things in the past? Certain things that happened that we're not going to get that apology for certain things that we're not going to get that explanation from certain things that we don't have that second chance or opportunity to even fix or repair or mend. And have you let go, have you freed up that mental space and let go of that baggage. Wow. Thank you, Glinda. Let's go on and move on to Andrea. Andrea. Why do you love yourself?

Listener 6: My name is Andrea. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. And I love myself because I'm understanding. I'm forgiving. I think Grace. I'm a listener first. I'm a friend. I love people and I'm a firm believer that the love that I have for me is the love that I show people. And I believe that loving is what we're all called to do. And it makes me happy to be the type of person I am who is a lover of people and like to extend that type of love to everybody else.

Kyndra Lina: Andrea, I love how you said that loving is what we are all called to do. I 100% agree with that. I believe that and I do wish that we did live in a world where we could all love. And I just, I, I commend you for being a person who has made himself available for other people. And I mean, not everyone is capable of being that person to lean on or being that trustworthy person or extending that love and Grace that God has shown to us. And so I think you really have a special gift in and I'm glad that you're able to use that gift to help other people. Let's go on and check in with Jasmine. Jasmine, why do you love yourself? Hi.

Listener 7: My name is Jasmine and I love myself because I'm invested in my own growth. I would love to hear from the other listeners out there on what it means to be invested in your own growth. That sounds like a pretty powerful statement. What does it mean to be invested in your own growth? And what does that entail for you? Because that looks different for everybody?

Kyndra Lina: Great point, Jasmine, thank you for bringing that up. Let's go ahead and check in with Brandy. Why do you love yourself?

Listener 8: My name is Brandy. I am from Marietta Georgia and the reasons I love myself. I am my number one supporter, my bestest friend, my positive voice of reason, my first love and my biggest competition every day.

Kyndra Lina: Wow, how many of us can say that we are our own positive voice of reason. The words that we say to ourselves are so much more powerful than the words that we hear around us and we literally have the power to either build ourselves up or to tear ourselves down. And so that is a very important point and I think that that is something that a lot of women should adapt is getting used to being that positive voice of reason for yourself because it all starts from within. Let's check in with Kapri. Why do you love yourself? Hi.

Listener 9: My name is Kapri and I'm from New York and I love myself because I've taught my, myself too. I mean, I've always been a very hypercritical person, especially to myself, more so than other people, mainly to myself and constantly sizing myself up or comparing myself to others, especially in things that, you know, I wanted to be good at or I thought I was good at and, you know, or I wanted to do. So, I guess after a while, you know, as I got older and kind of just like thrown into the world of adulting, I just got sick of it and I got sick of feeling like I never was reaching what I was, you know, being critical of myself to try to, I guess, and I'm not really a mantra person, at least I try not to be. But I will say that the one that whoever said that goes, you know, you can't love others if you don't love yourself. I think it's very true because love is not just the fluffy feelings that you kind of have for things or people or even yourself. It's acceptance, constructive criticism, trust, support. If you love somebody, you support them and everything they do, you, you know, you trust that they're going to do the right things and certain situations and you accept who they are, you know, regardless. And so you can't really give that to somebody if it doesn't even originate within yourself to yourself. And once I kind of started realizing this and taking on this kind of attitude. I did realize that within the relationships that I had and friendships and whatnot, you know, how it affected it. So, I just decided to make that change. And, there's this one quote I really like from, a psychologist named Wayne Dyer. And he goes, if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So I changed the way I was looking at myself and the things I did and what I was interested in and you know, and really was stepping back and started looking at and appreciating who I am and the things that I do and the things that I like and just like, you know, like who is, who is, you know, how is her personality? What does she like to do? What's the perfect date there and just kind of like indulging in that a little bit, but also accepting it and you know, growing with it and it's not love is also not rose colored. So, you know, if you love someone, you're not gonna let them keep doing toxic behaviors. So I say that to me like, if you love yourself, you also shouldn't just look at the things that you fall short on that, you know, you can do better with and just say, oh, well, that's just how I am because that's not really self love, it's constructive criticism, it's helping someone or yourself flourish when you know that they can do better because you see it within yourself and not in others. So yeah, looking at myself and going like, wow, you're, you're pretty cool. Like, you know, you are great at making insert, whatever you're great at doing, insert whatever you have great taste and you know, that's, that's something that I think everybody should kind of benefit in why not kind of pat yourself on the back like that every once in a while. But it's also not being blind about it. It's also telling yourself like, hey, this isn't cutting it like, you know, you can do better than this. So yeah, I'm not saying like I'm all the way there but I'm getting there.

Kyndra Lina: So yeah, Kapri, I love how you not only touched on what self love looks like for yourself, but you also sort of touched on self reflection and you said that sometimes you do have to look at yourself and tell yourself that, hey, you can do better. This is not your best. And you also admitted that you're not there yet to where you can do some of the things pertaining to self love that you would like to do. But you're definitely getting there and to acknowledge your progress up into this point is pretty huge along with the fact that you are, even though you're still progressing, you're still able to pat yourself on the back end to be proud of the progress that you have made thus far. So, thank you so much for that. I think that a lot of women will be able to relate to that. Let's check in with Brianna. Why do you love yourself?

Listener 10: Hey, my name is Breanna Evans. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. Why do I love myself? I love myself because I see myself as being the light. What do I mean by the light? I like to see myself as a shining individuals. I was never the type to try to follow different trends and things of that nature. I was always the one that tried to stand out being the light, whether it's in making a positive impact on my friend's life. If they're going through things, I like to make them happy, making others happy, makes me happy. So I would say I'm very individualistic in terms of why I see myself as being in the light. I always dare to be different. I always dare others to be different. So I definitely would see my myself as someone that's just bright. Even when I'm going through my darkest days, I always try to be the light. I love myself because I'm the light, Brianna.

Kyndra Lina: That is definitely a selfless kind of self love and I love it. Continue to be the light for both yourself and the people around you. Let's go ahead and check in with Zoe. Why do you love yourself?

Listener 11: Hi, I'm Zoe. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee and I love myself because I'm my biggest supporter. I know that I can do anything I set my mind to.

Kyndra Lina: I absolutely love your response, Zoe. The best thing about being your biggest supporter is the fact that you don't get let down about the lack of support from the people around you. So when you continue to support yourself and to show up for yourself, time and time again, you get in a rhythm and routine of ultimately being able to trust yourself and not having to depend on those things from other people. Awesome, Kelly, why do you love yourself?

Listener 12: So, my name is Keli. I'm from California residing in Birmingham, Alabama. I would have to say I love myself just because I'm finally getting to know myself when I was younger and like even in college or pretty formative years, I used to always want to be around people and I was really charged by them when it came time to like being by myself and having quiet time. I didn't really like to do that or know how to do that. I wasn't comfortable with it. But now that I've grown a little more, I found that I love having that alone time. I love getting to take myself on dates and read and just sit and eat and meditate with myself. I don't need to be depend on other people for that. I realize my inner joy and happiness comes from within and it's only something I can give to myself, other people can't give me. So now that I finally know myself, I say that's why I love Keli.

Kyndra Lina: You know, I myself can actually relate to what it is that you're saying for a very long time, I didn't really know who I was or things that I liked or the things that I enjoyed doing or, you know, these little questions that we spend a lot of time getting to know the answer when it comes to other people. But when we turn around and we focus and look at ourselves, we're not able to answer those simple questions that we can answer about other people. And I think that it's awesome that you take yourself out on dates and you have me time and you, you really cater to your personal needs and you really take out the time to be intentional about getting to know yourself. And that is a huge thing that comes with being able to love yourself. And it seems like you have, you are definitely on that journey of loving yourself, of learning how to love yourself and continuing to learn more about yourself. And that is amazing, Ryan, why do you love yourself?

Speaker 13: My name is Ryan. I'm from Georgia and I love myself. But that's a, that's a tricky question to answer. I would like to get to the point where I love myself in a way where I can be 100% confident in who I am or I think it's always hard to talk about yourself. I think maybe I can get to the point to be able to talk about myself and not have to include someone else to calm the conversation down. So to say, or it's not on me. I have a hard time with attention and things being on me. So maybe get to the point where I can handle the attention being on me and being able to stand on my own in the sense of having all that on me, having whatever type of attention needs to be on me.

Kyndra Lina: Ryan, I applaud you and I commend you for your transparency in your response to this question. There is no picture, perfect response to this question. There's no answer that I'm looking for. I just simply want to know what are the different ways that women love themselves and the different reasons. And I just, I love the fact that you are so honest about where you stand as far as loving yourself and how you already know and acknowledge that there is more work to be done in that department of getting to know yourself a little better and becoming more confident in those areas and knowing without a doubt that you indeed do love yourself. This is the conclusion of our listener episode for today. I would like to genuinely thank every person who has participated and supported this episode by sending in your responses. I really appreciate it. And I definitely think that this episode is going to help a lot of other women out there who may not be able to put into words, why they love themselves.